Watchtower - the gold standard for insanity.
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
I have a tee shirt idea
by mickbobcat ini have an idea for a jw tee shirt.
jehovah's witnesses redefining words since 1914.
Sample Disassociation Letters
by Vanderhoven7 inwhat do you think of the following sample disassociation letter from ?.
if you are looking to disassociate from jehovah’s witnesses, here is a sample letter you can modify for your use:.
i have decided to disassociate myself from the ____________ congregation of jehovah’s witness.
Anna Marina
Why disassociate from them? It is as if you are acknowledging their authority which is fake and condoning their con trick. They were never Jehovah's Witnesses in the sense that Isaiah meant and they were never a genuine group of Christians (although some individuals were Christians). Here's the proof. 19+14=33 - and that really is the proof.
The are not Jehovah's Witnesses
by Anna Marina indid you ever really think they were?.
in relation to the scriptures in isaiah it was identity theft..
Anna Marina
Don't try to put dates in Psycho - WT's dates are crazy and make no sense. Jehoiakim reigned for 11 years, so you do a count of 1 to 11. Not 9 to 11, then say Jehoiakim only ruled for 3 years.
Also Nebuchandezzar's 1st year of rulership is not his 19th year of rulership.
Hi Phizzy - I don't know why Rutherford took that name but certainly by opposing the simple maths from Jeremiah and Ezekiel, let alone Daniel, WT renders itself apostate to Jehovah's Witnesses. Quite an achievement in terms of accidents when you think of it. One of those ultimate fails.
Big Cull of Foreign Language Groups and Congregations
by eyeslice ini overheard mrs eyeslice listening to '2021 governing body update 3' yesterday.
apparently, they have started ditching foreign language groups and congregations as these weren't exactly roping anyone in.
of course there is a positive spin on all this - '4,000 plus elders freed up to serve in local language congregations' and of course there has been immensely positive feedback from various branches about the benefits of this.. i suspect though there will be an awful lot of elders who were serving as king pins in these congregations who are going to have their noses put out by going back to local language congregations where they will barely be used.
Anna Marina
Agree with IWant2Leave - I knew quite a few who went to foreign lang congs because they did not agree with the fake doctrines and found it easier to listen to them in a language they didn't understand.
But a recent comment from elder went like this 'we recognise the pattern of language from the FDS, every other pattern of speech is from Satan.'
Wonder what pattern of speech they'll come back with if they've had 10 years in a Spanish, Chinese or Sign Lang congregation ducking and diving? The foreign lang cong was the final hiding place. Next step is either fade/exit or go along with it all.
Road to Nowhere - took me a while to work out why we had a Sign Language group but rarely any deaf people. They used to sign whole meetings for those that could hear perfectly well. And they'd do the song as well.
The are not Jehovah's Witnesses
by Anna Marina indid you ever really think they were?.
in relation to the scriptures in isaiah it was identity theft..
Anna Marina
My pleasure :)
The are not Jehovah's Witnesses
by Anna Marina indid you ever really think they were?.
in relation to the scriptures in isaiah it was identity theft..
Anna Marina
Did you ever really think they were?
In relation to the scriptures in Isaiah it was identity theft.
Research help needed: knowledge of Knights Templar and Masonic history vital
by Fay Dehr ini am in conversation with a uk historian regarding some knights templar locations, where jws have built buildings.
*** this is serious research - not a joke *** .
i am not - and do not wish to be - a conspiracy theorist, but something has come to light in the uk and i lack the knowledge of knights templar + masons.
Anna Marina
I'm hearing that Temple Farm, Chelmsford - Order of Jehovah's Witnesses is housed at building 33. The land is not owned by Watchtower but the Knight's Templars - anyone else heard this or know how I could confirm it?
Profiles on tinder
by joe134cd ini decided to set up a tinder account a while back.
the other day, while looking through profiles, something really stood out to me.
particularly, with the female tinderites, i was impressed by the level of honesty, open communication, no interstest in one night stands, and moon light beach walks.
Anna Marina
I see tinder as a vehicle that i drive to get to a destination. If i get to that destination and find that it isnt what it is described in the book then its game over.
Sounds like Watchtower. Only Watchtower drive the vehicle - as if it was the Titanic. Or 9/11.
Sound Familiar?
by peacefulpete ina republican congressman voted his conscience to impeach trump.
the results might surprise some of us.. "my dad's cousins sent me a petition - a certified letter - saying they disowned me because i'm in 'the devil's army' now," kinzinger said in a phone conversation on thursday.
"it's been crazy, when you have friends - that you thought were good friends that would love you no matter what - that don't.".
Anna Marina
I see some are saying some lovely prayers for them.
Sound Familiar?
by peacefulpete ina republican congressman voted his conscience to impeach trump.
the results might surprise some of us.. "my dad's cousins sent me a petition - a certified letter - saying they disowned me because i'm in 'the devil's army' now," kinzinger said in a phone conversation on thursday.
"it's been crazy, when you have friends - that you thought were good friends that would love you no matter what - that don't.".
Anna Marina
Regarding money/economy - shortly before the virus and US election there were issues with the price of oil.
I am only doing this from memory so this is as best as I can remember.
An expert on oil prices who could tell a lot from a chart had gone off to tell those in the Middle East that their oil prices would drop. He admitted he got it wrong because he had no idea HOW LOW those prices were going to drop. When the price of oil got so low, they were paying people to take it away he said that was a key moment in history, as big as when oil itself was discovered.
He said the future would be like an economic heart attack - prices wildly up and wildly down for no reason. He said this is like the death of an economy.
Economy is to do with household management. And households have values and priorities. God Himself has a household.
(Ephesians 2:19) . . .Certainly, therefore, you are no longer strangers and alien residents, but you are fellow citizens of the holy ones and are members of the household of God,